Straightforward workflow with Anatom-e 3.0


Significant advancements in rapid contouring, precise targeting, and evidence-based decision support make Anatom-e 3.0 (1) the ideal way to take on the challenges of modern radiation oncology.
Azienda Ospedaliera of Bologna is one of the first users of Anatom-e 3.0 in Europe.
“The precision in dose delivery of modern radiotherapy techniques makes the definition of targets and organs at risk more critical than ever. At the same time, we have to juggle new and increasingly detailed treatment guidelines,” said Prof. Alessio G. Morganti, Head Radiation Oncologist, Medical Director, Full Professor in Radiation Oncology at the University of Bologna. “The increase of agreement among volumes of interest delineated by radiation oncologists using Anatom-e 3.0 might permit the improvements in personalized planning and refined dose volume constraints,” added Dr. Lidia Strigari, Head of Medical Physics Department, IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna, Italy.
Anatom-e is the perfect solution to these everyday problems in radiation oncology.

Example: Nasopharynx case
Choose a disease site and immediately select a pathway based on your patient’s specific clinical criteria. (Figure 1)

Figure 1

Then, Anatom-e 3.0 guides you with a few questions about your patient’s clinical scenario. (Figure 2)

Figure 2

Next, a fully contoured example plan for your specific clinical scenario is displayed with definitions for each contoured region. (Figure 3)

Figure 3

All the information is now editable, and you can customize the plan by simply selecting lymphatic areas, organs at risk, or elective areas from a list. (Figure 4)

Figure 4

All of the results are now available for analysis to easily and quickly make contouring and clinical decisions.
Significant improvements in rapid contouring precision and evidence-based decision support make Anatom-e 3.0 the ideal way to take on the challenges of modern radiation oncology.

(1) Anatom-e 3.0 is a dedicated tool to support any type of contouring with more than 50.000 structures already defined, with 4.000 combinations of contouring protocols, and with every treatment pathway. It is updated on a weekly basis on Microsoft’s Azure Cloud platform. Anatom-e is the first adopter and inventor of KAR tool (Knowledge Assisted Reporting).


About Anatom-e Information Systems – Anatom-e Information Systems is a company in health care specialized in solutions for automating medical decision support and protocol compliance. Based in Houston, Texas, the company is also developing the back-end components necessary for incorporating AI into radiation oncology workflows.